Learn about the latest news from the world of intellectual property and trademarks

أهمية براءات اختراع التكنولوجيا الحيوية

The importance of biotechnology patents

Biotechnology deals with the application of cellular and molecular biology to create or change products or processes. Scientists are pinning their hopes on biotechnology as it is expected to achieve breakthroughs […]

عواقب انتهاك العلامات التجارية

Consequences of trademark infringement

Branding is an essential part of any successful business. It helps companies differentiate their products and services from competitors, build a strong reputation and attract loyal customers. protect […]

العوامل الرئيسية التي تؤثر على قيمة علامتك التجارية

Key factors that affect your brand value

Trademark registration is essential for businesses, as a trademark is one of their most valuable assets, providing identity to the business, enhancing security and value. It is linked […]